Brain Express - Train your mind!
With the help of BrainExpress you can train important processes in the human brain, such as Attention, relaxation, remembering and impulse control. Whether at home or on the road - you can always train and improve your cognitive exercises. With BrainExpress you learn to cope with stress more effectively and to alleviate it.
When buying the BrianExpress app, the following should be noted:
1. After downloading the BrainExpress app you need a trainer or student license. These must be purchased at MindTecStore. You will receive an order confirmation after purchase.
2. Then you have to create an account on IMPORTANT: You have to create the account with the same email address you used to purchase the license in MindtecStore.
3. After successful registration, you will receive the purchased license code. In order to use the BrainExpress now you have to register via the app with the created account and enter the appropriate license code.